Tag Workflow
Use Obsidian's Plugin Responsibly

This is just a reminder for an undesirable side effect of some Obsidian’s Plugin: they make your notes Obsidian-dependent. Here I will describe what is the problem and how can you easily avoid it to keep your note really futureproof.
Never underestimate a smooth workflow

To be productive, you have to be constant. To be constant, you have to be organized. To be organized, you have to be happy about what are you doing. This are three simple rules that I try to apply to my work. The first two are quite straightforward and they don’t really need explanations. The third one, however, is more delicate. What do we mean with “to be happy about what we are doing”? Why this is connected with “to be organized”? Well, the answer is positive feedback. When I’m happy with what I’m doing I’m able to stick to the workflow I’m using. At the same time, a good workflow means less time spent debugging, less trivial bugs committed, less troubles during deployment, in other words: an happier developer!
This positive feedback loop can really increase your productivity. The real problem is, how can we find this magic smooth workflow? I don’t know. I cannot tell you the magic solution to every developer problems. You have to find this by yourselves. The only thing I can do now is telling you my actual workflow. This may be a good starting point for some of you. :)
On developer anxiety
You are finally back home. During your work day your mind was totally a volcano of creativity. You have so many cool ideas to implement (or at least to sketch). You go to your machine and you start to thing to the technical details. Many questions reach your mind. Maybe too many. Is it better to use Python or Haskell, or maybe C++? I have to start implementing my game prototype with Unity or with some other engine? What if in the future I want to add “feature X” after “feature Y”? So you start crawling the web for resources, opinions and more information on your problem. And this will generate more questions. You spend two hours in this way and you are still full of doubts. Then it becomes late. You are tired. You will check out this problems tomorrow. But tomorrow you will find others problem and not even a solution. And so on. Until every project loses its momentum.