Tag Blog
Testing Bluesky-Powered Comments
I am testing a thing. Let's see how it will work.

After seeing many similar experiments, I am testing a way to show and comment on this blog’s articles using Bluesky network. In the best case, it will make the comment section more lively. In the worst case, I would had learned something new.
De-Bootstrapping my Blog - Part 2 - Going Mobile
Or, how I faced my fears and implemented a responsive layout.

I am writing a series of posts about the development of a new blog theme. In the second part, I describe how I conquered my fears, and implemented a responsive layout and a hamburger menu in pure CSS.
De-Bootstrapping my Blog - Part 1

I am writing a series of posts about the development of a new blog theme. In this first post, I talk about the history of web design (in my experience) and the new best thing in town: CSS Grid.
December 2019 Update

This update is in huge delay. I am sorry, but this November, especially the last couple of weeks have been hectic and expensive. Now that I have a bit of time, I should really write this before I need to start planning the January update. 😃
November 2019 Update

What a horrible October; I feel I am psychologically destroyed, and I am all over the places. Fortunately, I have good news too. 👻
October 2019 Update

September has been sweet and kind to me; but also harsh and challenging. Nevertheless, it is October and under pumpkins 🎃 and ghosts 👻, I am still here for a monthly update.
About Life
September has been fun. I traveled to Padua for the CICAP Fest (a series of conferences organized by the main Italian Skeptical association), I went to a couple of nice restaurants, I completed some personal goal and I ate some Banana Pancake. 🥞
September 2019 Update

September is the true “new year”. Summer vacations are usually over, and we are ready to start a new powerful working season. So why I feel more tired than before?
August 2019 Update

Last month, slowing down with socials and news became mandatory. I “won” Camp NaNoWriMo and but I still have the last third of the story to write. Heatwaves are everywhere.
To hot to think and words order fine screen in! Let’s just look at this month update before I catch fire!
July 2019 Update

This update will be quite straightforward: July will be the month of digital retreat. Summer is not for staying still. Summer is for side projects; summer is for recharging; summer is for everything but the mindless routines of the other seasons.
June 2019 Update

May is over. Here in Italy, it rained every day. Everybody is still waiting for spring, and I am still waiting for… something. Now that summer is at the door, it is time for thinking about summer projects.