Tag Aiide
Back from AIIDE 2014
Hi everyone! Sorry for the long absence but my days are really full of commitments and terrible news. It is still not over, but but I really need write about something before is too late. :) During the last 3th-7th October, the tenth conference on Artificial Intelligence for Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE) was held in Raleigh (North Carolina, USA). It was a very interesting conference on AI and games stuff and I am really happy to have joined such amazing things. I mean, this is something that I could proudly say to the 10 years old me and make him happy and unbelieving. I could look the younger me in the eyes and say “In the future you’ll participate in a conference about artificial intelligence and videogames with some of the most beautiful mind in that field!”. Wow. However, unfortunately I received too many commitments and bad news from Italy to be able to freely enjoy this conference and to be fully concentrated. I’m really sorry of this.