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You need to decide your decisions

If there is something that I learned from my daily struggle with procrastination, is that every day you just have a limited amount of decisions. Every day, you can only do 5, 8, maybe 10 meaningfully decisions. After that you will start doing mistakes, get tired and, in general, doing wrong.
What can be surprising of this, is that doesn’t matter how important the decision is. Look at a traditional day: you wake up and you need to decide what to eat for breakfast, what clothes to wear, if it is better to go to work using the car or public transportation. You have literally just waked up and you have already depleted the big part of you decision pool for the day. And none of that decision is meaningful for your work, your career, your family, your affections.
Let me introduce your worst rival: yourself
Here it is a new article on Medium on a simple game to beat (or to measure) your procrastination level! :)
Let me introduce your worst rival: yourselfWhen cheating with a robot is really cheating?
Hi guys. I wrote a small reflection on the future of Artificial Intelligence. The question is always the same: when would we consider a robot as a “living beings” with self-awareness, emotions and all the human equipment? My point is that we could stop asking ourselves this question because soon or later sex-robots will provide us the answer. Anyway, this is the article I wrote on Medium. Take a look. :)
A Month of Writing: August 2015

A month ago I started questioning my ability to stay focused on thing I like. Kill the procrastination monkey is the first thing to achieve any goal in life and I felt that I was losing that battle. Last year was not easy, mostly because I started feeling incapable to achieve anything useful in work. This, in turn, feeds the procrastination monkey, causing more frustration and so on. An evil infinite explosive mental and motivational cycle that drown you, slowly, silently. I had to break the cycle!
But where I could start? I decided to stress myself on an old obsession of mine: writing. As you know I have stories in mind and I have a deep need to tell these stories. There are many ways to express these stories (music or gamedev are the most important one for me!) but writing it is much less complex: it is just you, the story and a piece of paper. There is no technology involved, no extra abilities such as visual arts, no constraints, no distractions. I did not want to feed p-monkey with a lot of fake-problems to justify myself for not doing anything every day. So, I took a piece of paper and I wrote on it: I’ll write One Million Word of fiction. It is important to have some kind of metric to measure your progress and the number of words written is a perfect metric! Every night, at the end of the day, I can update the counter, see the target approaching and feel good about myself.
A month is passed and I want to share this small step with you.
Lazy, Bloody Summer (starting again)
I don’t know if my life is starting to be more interesting or just more hard. Anyhow, in this bloody hot August summer I really feel the need to recollect my digital goods and finally put all of them in a single place. Unfortunately, it is too hot here and my will is at historic lows so this “restyling” is taking longer than expected. As I said before, my life is just increasing in complexity and, as a consequence, I need some place for my academic things, a place for my artistic side, a place for my gamedev ambitions, a place for my work, a place for my spare time, a place for my nerdy things. I usually tried to keep all this thing separated and using this website just as an index. Thinking about that today, I don’t know why. Maybe because I always had problems handling my multiple me, my multiple sides of my interests. However, I really cannot handle all this fragmentation anymore. It is just too complicated. So, I have shut down everything and I created this. It is not a special website about something, is just one website, just about me. (Moreover, in this place there were a shitty page the I promised myself to renew for centuries. Thus, I seized the opportunity and now I’ve solved the two problem at once. Nice job, indeed.