I do not want to say that Postman is bad because it would be a lie. However, it is not really my favorite piece of software in my tool belt. First, it requires an account. Second, the account subscribed me to a newsletter I totally do not care. Third, it does a lot of things I do not care about on my daily use. Fourth, is a sluggish Electron app that takes forever to do anything.1 And I can go on and on. Maybe for general documentation is good but for development… DEAR GODS, I HATE IT.
At some point, just to avoid Postman I started saving cURL snippets in my snippets’ manager. The fact that I felt relief, and I was more “productive” by browsing a library of command line commands says a lot about Postman.
Anyway, this was not a solution for the long term. At work, I have to develop and maintain an application with a lot of endpoints.
Fortunately, I’ve found the perfect plugin: RestClient.

I like RestClient SO MUCH
RestClient is a wonderful l VSCode extension. The reason I love it is that it is consistent with my “everything is a text file” philosophy. There is no reason (for development) to have weird databases synchronized online in some proprietary system. Let’s just have a plain text file describing the endpoints I need to test and use, and that I can commit into my repository.
So, for example, I now have a folder (called rest-doc
) in my project’s root and containing a bunch of .http
files that I can use as a perfect replacement for Postman.
Each file contains endpoints and documentation for a specific resource. For instance, imagine I have a book
resource. I will create a book.http
file with this content:
When I open this file in VSCode, I get all the feature I expect. I can click on a request and run the request directly into VSCode. I can copy a request in cURL
format or generate code snippets in different languages. I can do all this and more: just take a look at the official documentation!
As I said, everything is just plain text that I can track and version in the Git repository of the source code. No more accidentally overwritten environment or path variables. No more sync issues. And, most importantly, I do not have to open that bloated piece of software called Postman.
I am much happier now. If you use VSCode and you want to ditch all those obnoxious REST client interfaces, I really recommend taking a look at the RestClient extension.
I have nothing against Electron when the apps are well done like VSCode or Obsidian. Postman is just not one of them. ↩︎