This update is in huge delay. I am sorry, but this November, especially the last couple of weeks have been hectic and expensive. Now that I have a bit of time, I should really write this before I need to start planning the January update. 😃
About Life
Let’s start with the last event: I moved into a new house. It is not far away from the last one, it is not the big change I needed, but it is what I can do. Sometimes, a small step is everything we need to start walking again, and I hope this will be my small step.
Omnium rerum principia parva sunt. - Cicero
Because of this change, I spent most of the last two weeks moving in the new place. As I said, it is not far from the previous home, so I can do back and forth without any problem. However, the amount of things to put in place is slightly overwhelming. Moreover, I do not have internet at home yet (I hope to resolve this tomorrow).

As you can see from the image in the header and above, another beautiful event of this November is that I went to a wedding in Seville. It was my first time there, and I really like it. Mostly because I really love the arab-christian architecture mix typical of Andalusia (the Mudéjar style).
About Work
First of all, the new book is out! I had the honor of updating and curating the third edition of Unity Game Optimization originally by Chris Dickinson. I’ll write a spare article on this, in the meantime, you can read my introduction to Unity’s new Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS), one of the main additions to the book.

Then there is NaNoWriMo. Unfortunately, this year, I gave up. It is hard to keep the word count running when you have a wedding abroad, and you move to a new house. It is way harder when you do not have a real plot, and you need to figure out the story as you go1. Anyhow, I wrote almost 20k words before giving up. And it is not a problem: I already won my personal NaNoWriMo in July during Camp NaNoWriMo. :)
(An additional note: the new buggy NaNoWriMo website did not help to keep my motivation up. The social aspect is wholly butchered. I felt… alone. The social aspect is my favorite aspect of NaNoWriMo.)
About the Blog
So, how to proceed after that? I am still adapting to the new housing situation (and I have a lot of pending chores). Luckily, the Christmas break is upon us, and I would like to spend some time to complete all the pending blog ideas.
See you the next time and happy holidays!
I know many writers are doing this as their typical workflow; however, I need at least a very sparse set of plot points. Otherwise my writing speed slows down dramatically. ↩︎